Positive traits - intense, highly focused, brave, determined, leader, vigorous, passionate
Negative traits - stubborn, jealous, willful, irrational, devious, distrustful, possessive, resentful
Affirmation - I honour the desires that live within my soul
It is a new moon in Scorpio this morning, a time for new beginnings and setting intentions. This moon urges us to focus on our goals related to growth and abundance.
What goals do you need to set?
What everyday tasks do you need to do?
What do you need to reveal to heal?
Consider where you are showing the negatibe Scorpio traits.
The Scorpio moon invites us to turn inwards and embrace the season ahead. The energy of this moon brings a sense of rebirth, renewal and welcoming and accepting every part of ourselves.
Think about some intentions you may want to set to this moon, or meditate using the power of this moon.